În scopul de a familiariza personalul și membrii Consiliului pentru Prevenirea și Eliminarea Discriminării și Asigurarea Egalităţii din Moldova și personalul Oficiului Avocatului Poporului din Chișinău cu cadrul şi instituţiile Consiliului Europei pentru protecția împotriva discriminării, Consiliul Europei a organizat un curs de instruire de o zi. Cursul de instruire a avut loc la data de 26 februarie 2016 la Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Un consultant internațional a prezentat participanților mandatul și funcționarea instituțiilor Consiliului Europei din perspectiva prevenirii și combaterii discriminării, de asemenea şi unele aspecte ale Convenției Europene a Drepturilor Omului, Cartei Sociale Europene Revizuite și Comisiei Europene împotriva Rasismului și Intoleranței, din aceeași perspectivă. La cursul de instruire au participat 17 participanți.
Acest eveniment a fost organizat în cadrul Proiectul Comun Uniunea Europeană/Consiliul Europei "Susținerea eforturilor naționale privind prevenirea și combaterea discriminării în Moldova", care face parte din Cadrul de Cooperare Programatică (PCF) pentru Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Republica Moldova, Ucraina și Belarus.
Ultima actualizare în Duminică, 06 Martie 2016 09:52
Valentina Leskaj (Albania, SOC) and Ögmundur Jónasson (Iceland, UEL), co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the monitoring of obligations and commitments by the Republic of Moldova, paid their first fact-finding visit to the country on 22-23 February 2016.
During our open and frank meetings with the authorities, we were assured that the country would remain committed to fulfill its obligations and commitments towards the Council of Europe. However, various interlocutors, including representatives of civil society, expressed their deep concern, mistrust and lack of confidence in parliament, government and state institutions which seems to be widespread. We also felt that there is a widely shared feeling that the country has been “captured” by oligarchs perceived to control a significant part of political stakeholders and officials, the justice system and the economy, which could prove devastating for the democratic foundations of the country. The recent bank scandal – one billion dollars disappeared from the banks - adds up to the frustration, if not the despair, of the citizens; some of the young, educated people see no other option than leaving the country to find a brighter future, which in turn would have a negative long-term impact on the country.
Ultima actualizare în Luni, 29 Februarie 2016 11:05
Steering Committee scrutinized activities of the Programme `Strengthening Institutional Framework for Local Governance
Steering Committee, which is coordination body for Thematic programme V.2: „Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance 2015-2017” under the Programme Cooperation Framework (PCF), was held on 5 February 2016 in Strasbourg, Palais de l’Europe. Steering Committee mainly discussed results achieved in 2015 and scrutinized prospects for 2016. Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform, DGII Democracy and Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe presented 2015 activities carried out on regional and bilateral base in 2015.
Ultima actualizare în Marţi, 09 Februarie 2016 21:12
Training Seminar for Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Moldova on Ensuring Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Offline and Online Environments
Within the framework of the joint Council of Europe and European Union project “Strengthening the Respect for Human Rights in the Implementation of the Republic of Moldova’s Digital Agenda”, on 22-23 February 2016, the CoE in partnership with the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova will organize a training seminar on Ensuring Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Offline and Online Environments for a group of 30 judges and prosecutors.
The training is designed to further increase skills and knowledge of the participants on the European Court of Human Rights case law and the Council of Europe adopted standards on Human Rights protection on the Internet, rule of law in the digital world, Internet Governance.
Ultima actualizare în Sâmbătă, 20 Februarie 2016 15:12
Development and implementation of an awareness campaign on child/youth online safety
The Council of Europe Office to Chisinau is seeking for a local service provider on development and implementation of an awareness campaign on child/youth online safety, to increase the awareness and capacity of the Internet users in general and children and youth to monitor the respect of their human rights on Internet while developing the Information Society based Internet human rights in the Republic of Moldova.
Ultima actualizare în Marţi, 02 Februarie 2016 23:28