25.02.2015 - Curs de instruire pentru avocaţi şi activişti pentru drepturile omului
Programul Comun al Consiliului Europei şi Uniunii Europene “Consolidarea capacităţii avocaţilor şi activiştilor în domeniul drepturilor omului pentru aplicarea pe plan naţional a Convenţiei Europene pentru Drepturile Omului şi a Cartei Sociale Europene (Revizuite)” organizează un curs de instruire pe tema : „Discriminarea pe criteriu de sex/gen”.
Cursul de instruire va avea loc pe data de 25 februarie curent la Hotelul Jazz, Sala Saxophone (Chişinău, Str. Vlaicu Pîrcalab 72) începând cu ora 8:45 până la 17:15
Persoanele interesate să participe la acest curs de instruire urmează să expedieze solicitarea de participare cu indicare activității pe care o desfășoară la adresa
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până la 23 februarie 2014.
24.02.2015 - Curs de instruire pentru avocaţi şi activişti pentru drepturile omului
Programul Comun al Consiliului Europei şi Uniunii Europene “Consolidarea capacităţii avocaţilor şi activiştilor în domeniul drepturilor omului pentru aplicarea pe plan naţional a Convenţiei Europene pentru Drepturile Omului şi a Cartei Sociale Europene (Revizuite)” organizează un curs de instruire pe tema : „Sarcina probațiunii (aspecte probatorii) și mecanisme de protecție în cazurile de discriminare”.
Cursul de instruire va avea loc pe data de 24 februarie curent la Hotelul Jazz, Sala Saxophone (Chişinău, Str. Vlaicu Pîrcalab 72) începând cu ora 8:45 până la 17:15.
Persoanele interesate să participe la acest curs de instruire urmează să expedieze solicitarea de participare cu indicare activității pe care o desfășoară la adresa
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până la 23 februarie 2014.
Council of Europe and European Commission boost cooperation in Eastern Europe
The Council of Europe and the European Commission have signed a new cooperation agreement to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law in six Eastern European countries.
The agreement, which is worth €33.8 million and covers the period 2015-2017, will fund joint programmes in countries covered by the EU’s Eastern Partnership programme – namely Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
It was signed in Brussels on Thursday 18 December by the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, and Director Michael Köhler on behalf of the European Commission.
The agreement forms part of a new strategic framework for cooperation agreed by the Council of Europe and the European Commission in April 2014. The significant increase in funding reflects the positive results which have been achieved through such programmes in recent years.
Kick-off meeting in the framework of the Joint Programme on Strengthening the capacities of the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) under the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Moldova
Strasbourg, 6 February 2015
The Council of Europe starts a new 3 years project on assistance to the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) under the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Moldova.
The project is financed by the European Union, under the Programmatic Cooperation Framework. It aims at contributing to the consolidation of a modern, dynamic and flexible electoral training institution able to offer high quality trainings to various electoral stakeholders in line with applicable European and international standards.
A one day kick-off meeting with representatives from the Centre, Council of Europe experts and representatives of UNDP programme in Moldova will be organised in Strasbourg, on 6 February 2015. The main objective of the event is to agree on a workplan and a time frame for its implementation.
Chisinau international conference examines best practices on strategic litigation and procedures before the European Court of Human Rights
17 December, 2014, Chisinau, Moldova - An international conference brought together representatives of bar associations, NGOs and experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine on 16 and 17 December to discuss procedures before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the Revised European Social Charter and strategic litigation for human rights, and served as a forum for exchanging existing best practices.
”The joint programme EU/CoE is being implemented satisfactorily more than one year after its inception, with several hundred legal professionals trained in different aspects of the application of the European Convention on Human Rights. We hope that the impact on the local capacity to apply the Convention will be felt, both in terms of better guaranteeing fundamental rights at the domestic level and diminishing the work load of the European Court on Human Rights. It is an open ended process of capacity building in which the local Moldovan structures will ensure a leading role in the future”, said Jose Luis Herrero, Head of the Council of Europe Office.