Joint Statement by the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
On the occasion of World Refugee Day, the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Miloshoski, and the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, referred to this year’s theme "home" and underlined the vulnerability of all those who had to flee from their home and their country. They drew attention to the obligation of Council of Europe member states to comply with international treaties for the protection of refugees and asylum seekers and the necessity to collaborate with the UNHCR.
Reform of the Congress: Standing Committee to focus on priorities and working methods, monitoring rules and election observation strategy
The Standing Committee of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will meet on 18 June 2010 in Strasbourg, to examine in depth the proposals put forward by the Congress Bureau as part of the ongoing reform process.
The Standing Committee will debate a report by acting President Ian Micallef on the Congress’ priorities for 2011-2012, proposing to give a new dynamic to the monitoring action, widen the scope of election observation, provide targeted post-monitoring and post-observation assistance, streamline thematic activities and introduce the local dimension of human rights as a new priority.
The Steering Committee meeting started with welcome speeches made by Mrs. Birute Abraitiene, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in Moldova, Mr. Dirk Lorenz, Political Officer of the European Union Delegation to Moldova, and Mr. Valeriu GHEORGHIU, Director, European Integration Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
The speakers underlined the importance of a new Joint Programme as it contributes to the issues of common interest – for Moldova and its people, the Council of Europe and the European Union - such as consolidation of the rule of law, strengthening of human rights protection mechanisms, pluralist democracy and political modernisation in Moldova as the country is celebrating the 15th anniversary of its accession to the Council of Europe.
World Blood Donor Day: the Council of Europe supports the EFS and the German Red Cross
Date: 14 June 2010
Place: the European Youth Centre of the Council of Europe (30 rue Pierre de Coubertin, Strasbourg); at Place Gutenberg, Strasbourg and various locations throughout Germany
To meet increasing demands for blood (up 12% between 2005 and 2008) the French and German blood collection services (EFS and DRK) – and those in all European countries – must find new ways to recruit and retain donors, young people in particular. Statistics in some countries show increases in the number of young people giving blood, but there is urgent need for improvement.
European Conference of Presidents of Parliament in Cyprus: how to promote the rights and responsibilities of parliamentary opposition, and the principle of non-discrimination
Speakers and Presidents of Parliament from the 47 Council of Europe member states will gather on 11 and 12 June 2010 at Limassol in Cyprus, on the occasion of a conference organised by the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). They will look at good practice concerning the rights and responsibilities of the opposition in a parliament, as well as the role of national parliaments in implementing the principle of non-discrimination.
The Presidents of international parliamentary assemblies, as well as parliaments enjoying observer status with PACE (Canada, Israel, Mexico), are also invited. Around 350 participants are expected.