There are no translations available. Calls for offers: Supply of Media monitoring System
The Council of Europe is organising a Call for Offers for the supply of Media Monitoring system composed of software for storing audio/video recordings of programming services, software for its sampling, viewing, as well as database tailored to CCA media monitoring process.
Interested applicants have to provide a technical and a financial proposal. The technical proposal shall describe the plan and the approach how to deliver the expected results as well as outline the major components of its implementation. The financial proposal shall consist of an all-inclusive lump sum for the whole project and a breakdown of the key components.
The offers are sent electronically to Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza by 30 November 2015.
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Ultima actualizare în Marţi, 03 Noiembrie 2015 15:01 |